Russia, China, and Iran continue to interfere in our elections. It’s time for Congress to tell foreign actors:
Don’t Mess With US.
Bipartisan legislation to protect our elections
The Honest Ads Act
Stop online disinformation campaigns. Enemies of democracy continue to target Americans with propaganda by abusing the largest online platforms like Facebook, Google, and Twitter. The Honest Ads Act would ensure everyone knows if foreign actors buy political advertisements on the internet.
The Secure Elections Act
Strengthen election security and protect the vote. Our elections infrastructure is vulnerable and has been compromised in the past. The Secure Elections Act will safeguard our political system while reaffirming states’ role in administering elections. Portions of the act passed at the end of 2019, including $425 million in election security money.
Prevent future attacks on our political system. Peace through strength. The DETER Act imposes crippling sanctions against countries that interfere in our elections. Provisions of the act were included in the National Defense Authorization Act.
The Foreign Agents Disclosure and Registration Enhancement Act
Close foreign lobbying loopholes. Our lobbying laws are out of date and allow those working on behalf of foreign governments and businesses to evade oversight. Updating the Foreign Agents Disclosure and Registration Act will help Americans know which foreign countries are trying to influence their government.
The Shell Company Abuse Act
Keep foreign money out of our elections. Foreign actors could already be funneling money into our political system — and we would never know. The Shell Company Abuse Act would ensure Russia, China, Iran, and others could not hide behind our tax laws while they subvert our elections.
Learn more about how these bills would prevent foreign disruption in our political system.